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Currently, Two Cats in Time, Inc. has 15 garments in our vintage collection ranging from the turn of the 20th century to the 1970s.  The collections includes items from lingerie to evening gowns and even a WWII "Cracker Jack" uniform.  While most items are in stable - or even wearable condition - there are a couple of garments which are in considerable distress and which need to be properly conserved before they can be handled for in-depth observation and taking their patterns for study and reproduction.


We are taking our time with the Extant Garment Project, working through our collection one piece at a time, being as thorough as possible while taking all necessary care.


If you would like to help us in our efforts on this project in anyway, please visit our Contact Us page where you can share information, submit a query, or even give a monetary gift to aid in the project's progress.

Project Installments

Two Cats in Time's Garment Collection

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